• Check your rigging
  • Remove all jewelry (including rings, watches, and earrings) before working on the fabric
  • Never practice alone – have a spotter handy
  • If you are tired: Stop
  • If you feel something is painful: Stop
  • Correct shoulder positions and core conditioning essential
  • Practice all wraps low to the ground, before doing them high up
  • Talk through all parts of a trick out loud
  • Breathe out more than in
  • Make sure you have enough distance between yourself and the floor


All poses can be done in ceiling heights of 13’ or higher
Linking your movements in a small routine is the goal.
All positions can be used in combination to make a routine.


Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain. Because of individual differences in physical conditioning, consult your doctor before attempting these routines or any other fitness program. If you experience any pain or discomfort during these routines or any other fitness program, you should stop and consult a physician.

Use product only as intended and demonstrated herein.

The creators, producers, participants, and distributors of this program disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the exercises demonstrated or the instruction and advice expressed herein.

After Completing Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 of the Aerial Fabric Acrobatic Curriculum, you should be proficient in the basic locks: Single Foot lock, Double Foot lock, Hip Key, and S-Lock.
The Intermediate Level uses these locks and adds combinations and poses, along with variations of climbs and drops.

It is advised that you check with your aerial instructor before you attempt the tricks demonstrated at the intermediate level to ensure you are ready to perform these skills safely.

We offer the following skills that can be performed in a ceiling height that is 15 feet or higher.

S-Lock: Helicopter Drop

This is a skill that is fundamental to performing a Single Star Drop or a Double Star Drop. Helicopters are a great conditioning at the beginning of a workout or at the end. The stronger your core, the cleaner your Helicopter, and you will see improvement in your Star Drops. Helicopter can be done with the aid of your hands guiding you as you roll down.

Helicopter No Hands Drop

Helicopter Drops are excellent conditioning at the beginning or end of a workout. To do well, the hands free requires a strong core and hollow body position. You will see improvement in your Star Drops, or Double Star if you work on your Helicopter Drops. The Helicopter can be done with the aid of your hands or with not hands.

Inversion Conditioning

Additional Conditioning to improve your aerial performances is the Candle Stick or Upside Down Pike

Fancy Russian Climb

Improving your climb with a few variations will be helpful as you build your choreography.

Mermaid To Buddha Climb

Climbing can be a component of your routine and a way to rest in a pose as you climb. One variation is the Mermaid to Buddha Climb which combines two poses and also allows you to move up the fabric

Straddle Climb to Thigh Hitch

A more strenuous climb is the Straddle Climb. It can lead to the hip-key or to the thigh hitch. If your routine calls for a hip-key trick, the straddle climb is one way to move into position fluidly. Or if you plan for a thigh-hitch combination, the straddle climb can lead to this position.

Spider Climb or Ninja Climb

An even more strenuous climb is the Spider or Ninja Climb. It is an upside down climb and requires lots of core strength and agility!

Thigh Hitch To Chair

The Twisty Russian Climb will lead to the S-Wrap and the Straddle Climb leads to the Hip Key or the Thigh Hitch. From the thigh hitch you can transition to the chair pose.

Thigh Hitch To Knee Drop

If you have good clearance to the floor, the Thigh Hitch leads to the Thigh Hitch Knee Drop.

Reverse Twirly Variation

As you build your choreography at the Intermediate Skill Level, It is good to incorporate skills you learned in Levels 2, 3 and 4. One that is a crowd pleaser is the Reverse Twirly Variation. It can lead to the Arrow Pose.

Figure 8 Foot Lock with Both Feet

There are many Variations of the cross back this skill was introduced in Level 2. You will want to perfect your Double Figure 8 Foot Locks as you prepare to work on your cross back skills.

Lounge Chair to Straddle Back Balance

The lounge Chair is a resting pose with both feet in a figure 8 foot lock. From the Lounge Chair, you can transition to the cross back and then the Inverted cross back or Straddle back position. (Presented in Level 2 of the Aerial Fabric Acrobatics Curriculum)

Georgia Twist

Another way to transition to the cross back and then Inverted cross back or straddle back position is the Georgia Twist.

Comet Drop

From the straddle back or cross back balance, you can add the Comet Drop.

Belay Pose

The Belay is a pose that starts with a double foot-lock. One of the locks is removed to transition into the Belay Pose.

Harness Or Salto Drop

From the Hip Key Lock, learned in Level 3 of the Aerial Fabric Acrobatic Curriculum you can add the Harness or Salto Drop.

Ginger Drop

Other drops from the hip-key are the Ginger Drop.

Hip Key To Secretary

From the Hip Key you can add a series of poses we call the Secretary.

Secretary To Angel

A variation of the Hip Key is the Hip Key Angel. These poses are not gentleman friendly, but are nice rest poses to add to your choreography.

Single Star Drop

From the Same Side Lock and after practicing the Helicopter Drill there are many variations from the Single Star Drop.

Single Star To Bullwhip

A variation of the Single Star Drop is the BullWhip.

Single Star With Salto Drop

A multi-directional drop from the Single Star is the Big Mama also called the Single Star with Salto. Salto means a somersault or forward dive roll. It turns your star drop into one and a half somersault drop.

Cartwheel Multi-Directional Drop

Once you have mastered the single star, a more complex multi-directional drop is the Cartwheel Drop.

Star With Waterfall Drop

Another variation of the Star Drop adds a knee-drop component. It can be called the Candy Cane Drop, or the Cascade.

Double Star Drop

When you are proficient with your Single Star Drop and the Star Variations, a popular drop is the Double Star. When doing this drop, you want to make sure you have plenty of clearance and are not close to the floor. Keep a good body position that you have perfected from the Helicopter Drop. It is a nice drop to use at the end of your routine and is a crowd pleaser.

Incorporate Choreography into each of your practice sessions. Set your choreography to music, work on your transitions, and explore which combinations are easiest for you and also allow you rest poses so you can incorporate character into your routine. If your goal is to perform, your audience will appreciate seeing the flow of your routine. It is a good idea to practice your favorite choreography at least three times in your work-out session. It will build stamina and will allow you to incorporate new tricks and poses into what will become your basic and personal routine.

Remember to have fun and also to do a Cool Down session for about 5 minutes after your work-out. This is a good time to stretch out your muscles and to work on your flexibility.

The tricks at the Intermediate level are vast. There are many combinations and variations. The ones we have presented are only a few of the many you can learn with the help of an aerial instructor.