We are happy to work with Kacey Cole a professional photographer who created new photos for the Aerial Fabric web site. Kacey photographed Bayard and Lynn in the Aerial Hammock. We appreciated Kacey’s experience as an aerialist and wish her well with her new photography business: Kacey Cole Photography.
AFA Bayard Trapeze AFA Kacey Hoop AFA Bayard pose AFA Yoga Hammock

Lynn was honored to meet Elena Mouratidou who has been a loyal customer of AFA for many years. Elena offers Aerial Yoga Teacher Training at her Anahata Yoga StudioAFA hammocks with Xenia at Anahata Studio AFA with Elena at Anahata Studio Thessaloniki with Katerina in Thessaloniki, Greece. It was fantastic to experience a Dharma Yoga class with Elena, and an Aerial Yoga class with Xenia. Katerina, one of Elena’s students who recently completed the Anahata Aerial Yoga Teacher Training with Elena showed Lynn around Thessaloniki. It was wonderful!

Lynn took a trip to Europe to visit studios who have purchased aerial fabric from Aerial Fabric Acrobatics recently and for many years. She visited one of our newest studios in Warsaw Poland, Oxygen Family Fitness. It was also a pleasure to meet Claudia Lederer in Munich and take one of Claudia’s Aerial Yoga classes.  Claudia offers teacher training through her company Free Floating Aerial Yoga Lynn was very honored to visit Guendalina Stefani’s studio Santhiya Centro Pilates offering Aerial Yoga, Pilates, and Ftiness in Mirandola, Italy. AFA Claudia in Yoga Pose AFA in Warsaw at Oxygen Fitness Photo Rober Badurak AFA Lynn & Claudia in Munich AFA with Guenda at her studio Sanyitha AFA with Guenda at Sanyitha Italy AFA with Rossana in hammockIt was great to see our Purple and Lavender hammocks at Rossana’s new Aerial Yoga studio in Ferrara, Italy.

Our sister website, Aerial Yoga Hammocks is one year old! We have started exploring the benefits of using the Aerial Yoga Hammock for massage. Some of our customers are purchasing hammocks for their massage business. David, our massage expert Aerial Fabric use of hammock for massage AFA Festival crew in Yoga Hammocktries the hammock for a more relaxing foot massage for his client. Barca, Production Manager of the Aerial Acrobatic Arts Festival takes a much needed nap after the Festival.

AFA has been the main sponsor of the Aerial Acrobatic Arts Festival for 5 years. This year it was fantastic to partner with the Millibo Art Theater to produce the Circus of the Night show, and to have the help of many volunteers including Anna from Workaway who helped with the social media campaign.AFA supports Aerial Festival Circus of Night Workaway volunteer Anna helping the Festival AFA sposored Festival opening meal

We are happy to have the addition of Trapeze Open Work-Outs on Monday nights and Thursday nights. Trapeze is super for cross-training and increasing upper body strength. It is also a lot of fun! Featured in photos, Bayard, Nicky, and Tony.Aerial Fabric Trapeze Open Night June AFA Trapeze Group Action

Lynn visited NY and the Caravan Stage Company ship. Paul Kirby and Nans were gracious hosts and showed Lynn and Tatanya around the ship that serves as a stage for their shows. The performances include aerial acrobatics and political satire.

Aerial Fabric is now supplying fabric to a couple of new countries: Poland and Zimbabwae. Our tricot will be used in shows by a YMCA club who is performing in Zimbabwe and the Ukraine.

Paul Kirby Tanya Lynn

In the bright spring sun, we tested the tricot, tricot with stretch, and interlock colors to see which ones faded in sunlight. We knew that the Turquoise Tricot with Shine would fade in just one hour of sunlight. The Jade color faded in two hours of sunlight. We found that all the other colors in the different types of fabric did not fade even though we left them in the sun for over 11 hours. This does not mean that aerial fabric should be left in the sun for 11 or more hours, but if you are doing a show in the sun, using a portable rig, your aerial fabric would only fade if it is either turquoise or jade. We also tested the sun faded fabric to see if the tensile strength was impacted by the sun. The stress test showed that the sun does not alter the strength of the fabric.

Example Sun fading Turquoise


In other news, artists from across the US and Canada have been invited and have accepted the invitation to perform in the 5th Aerial Acrobatic Arts Festival. Tickets are now on-sale for the shows.

Lisa Natoli Aerial Fabric Workshop Jane Kratochvil image

AFA was happy to again offer workshops with aerialist Lisa Natoli. Lisa presented a series of workshops focused on transitions used on aerial silks and corde de lisse.

Lynn met with Holly Johnson of Aviana Yoga and learned more about her Aerial Yoga teacher training. Aviana will be presenting a new book for those wanting to learn more about how to use Aerial Yoga Hammocks. We have formed a positive relationship with Aviana and our sister site: aerialyogahammocks.com

We updated our images for the Tricot with Shine Special Order. We offer a range of colors from Neon Yellow to deep Burgundy.

We finalized a new Limited Edition Tricot color: Tangerine Orange. This color is not quite the same as the popular Limited Edition Tricot of Electric Coral. It is a wonderful Orange with less pink overtones.
In other news, the event Aerial Fabric underwrites, the Aerial Acrobatic Art Festival has a new poster courtesy of graphic artist Suzie Shapiro.

The application window opened for artists to apply to the Aerial Acrobatic Arts Festival. We also were happy to host a Workaway volunteer who volunteered to call all the aerial schools in the US. There are more and more aerial programs which is great to see. The art form of Aerial Silks has grown and now there are new competitions in the US featuring Aerial as a championship opportunity. We are happy to supply the many aerial studios around the country and around the world.

Aerial Fabric Trapeze Open Workout
Aerial Fabric Trapeze Open Workout

Our new open work-out for Trapeze has been quite a success. We have duo trapeze teams hard at work on new skills and new acts. It is a lot of fun on Monday nights!