What is an Aerial Dancer? A Guide to Styles, Skills, and Getting Started

What is an Aerial Dancer? A Guide to Styles, Skills, and Getting Started

1. Understanding Aerial Dance

Aerial dance is a performance art where the dancer uses an aerial apparatus, such as silks, to perform in the air. While it is a relatively newer form of dance, with its modern origins in the 1950s, it has quickly gained traction and popularity all over the world. It is a dynamic, and constantly evolving art, where new training techniques, sequences, and even apparatuses are developed regularly.

It combines creativity with fitness to create a unique performance, where dancers soar through the air and perform incredible feats of skill. Whether it is an interpretive piece, a dynamic series of drops and dramatic moves, or moves through contortionists level of flexibility, there is no one correct way to approach aerial! Dancing in the air has as many styles as dancing on the ground.

2. Types of Aerial Dance Styles

While silks and hoop are the two that most folks know about, there are a myriad of other apparatuses.

Aerial Silks/Aerial Fabric:

A single long piece of silk fabric that is folded in half and hung from a rigging point. It is incredibly versatile, its flexible nature lets the dancer show off their flexibility, stacked sequences of drops, quick climbs, or dance moves in the air.

Aerial Dancers using silks

Aerial Hoop/Lyra):

A round metal hoop that can be rigged from either one or two points. While most people start with doing poses in the hoop itself, you might be surprised to know that even the spanset rigging is used in many skills. 

Woman using Aerial Hoop or Lyra

Aerial Hammock/Aerial Sling:

Similar to the silks, but rigged the opposite direction so the middle is at the bottom instead of at the top. While originally invented for use in yoga, it has become an apparatus in its own right.
Smiling woman using aerial hammock or aerial sling

Dance Trapeze:

A bar that is hung from two ropes. When people think of trapeze, they most often think of Flying Trapeze, where dancers will swing in wide arcs through the air. With Dance Trapeze, the apparatus is more stationary, and designed to rotate in place rather than swing in a fixed direction. 

3. Skills Required to Become an Aerial Dancer

Like many skills, it takes time and effort to become a proficient aerial dancer. Fortunately, the act of doing aerial dance is one of the best ways to build the skills you need for it. As you train you will develop your body by building strength, flexibility, and coordination, your mind by honing your focus, discipline, and even overcoming a fear of heights, and your creativity by inspiring your choreography, routines, and expression through movement.

4. How to Train as an Aerial Dancer

You can train as hard or as casually as you desire. What matters most is that you are safe, and you have fun.

Start with Beginner-Friendly Classes

Find a level 1, beginning, or trial class to start with (Link to ACOD class - https://aerialcirqueoverdenver.com/adult-aerial-classes-2/ ). Instructors can help you learn the basics, and teach you how to safely interact with the apparatus. As for which apparatus to start with? That is a personal choice, and it is recommended that you try multiple until you decide which one you like.

Develop Core Strength and Flexibility

While you can just do aerial to get stronger, feel free to take other fitness routines you have in your life to build your core strength and flexibility. Strength, cardiovascular, and flexibility are all useful, no matter how you build them.

Prioritize Safety and Technique

As you begin your aerial journey, pay attention to safety guidelines and instructions. Have a professional verify the safety of your rigging, warm up your body, and never train alone. Learning the fundamentals of how to safely move in the apparatus will go a long way to ensure that you train safely, and give you the foundations you need to choreograph a routine.

5. Aerial Dance Performances: What to Expect

While you can find aerial performers at the circus, the art is expanding in popularity and you can find performances in dance halls, business parties, and even on the streets with portable rigs. When you go to a show, you can expect to get wow-ed by performers showing off all the work they put into the piece. With fantastical costumes, unique choreography, and even storytelling, an aerial show is sure to leave you wanting more.

6. FAQs About Aerial Dance

Who can learn aerial dance?

Anyone can learn aerial dance. Wish as we might, no one starts at a Cirque du Soleil level of skill. It takes time, and practice. Everyone has their own limits and physical considerations, so instructors will adapt lessons and skills for their students. No matter your age or body type, there is something that is accessible to you. For example, if you can’t climb the silks, you can learn basic footlocks.

What equipment do I need to start?

It is recommended to start at an aerial studio where you will just need your workout clothes. Once you are ready to start training on your own at home, things start to get a little more complicated. You will need the apparatus, a rigging point, and rigging hardware. It is recommended that you work with a rigging professional, as an incorrectly rigged apparatus can be dangerous to the dancer.(Link this blog - https://aerialfabric.com/blogs/news/how-to-hang-aerial-silks-at-home 

How long does it take to learn aerial dance?

The basics can be learned in the afternoon, but the journey can last a lifetime. The more you practice, the better you will get. Some with preexisting strength and flexibility can progress quickly, while it may take a bit longer for those who are still early in their fitness journey.

Is aerial dance safe for beginners?

Aerial dance can be risky, but a proper instructor can show you how to move safely. Be mindful of your own body, be intentional with your movements, and take care when you are pushing yourself. When you are tired is when you are most likely to injure yourself.

There is risk, but it can be mitigated!

And NEVER train alone.

Can aerial dance help with fitness goals?

Absolutely! It is a whole body workout that will help with strength, cardio, and flexibility. Different apparatuses can focus on different elements, so there is an additional advantage if you cross train across multiple apparatuses.

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